Teleradiology and its Intense Work in the Pandemic.

The cause of the expansion in teleradiology in the pandemic came from our main solution, social distancing to minimize the chances of contagion among patients and healthcare professionals, in which they are more exposed to the virus.

The use of technology is increasingly present in our daily lives and is advancing faster every day. We can have agility and ease of access in our hands, such as: Smartphone, tablet, notebook. All that is needed is a network signal.

In view of the current pandemic situation we are going through, teleradiology has gained more visibility and strength. It was already well known, but became even more so after patients needed our technologies and tools to achieve faster and more practical results.


Covid-19 is a viral infection caused by the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus, which is potentially serious, and with high transmissibility through airborne droplets, and aerosols. It began in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019 and worldwide in the first quarter of 2020. Covid-19 causes lung changes, such as shortness of breath, fatigue, low oxygen saturation, sometimes requiring hospitalization and advanced life support.

Growth of Teleradiology:

With the SiriusRAD system, the physician responsible for the reports works remotely, analyzing the images sent to our cloud platform and speeding up the processes in hospitals that are often operating at the limit of their capacity, in critical condition.

Especially in Covid-19 cases, where there is a rapid deterioration of lung function, this early evaluation helps or even prevents the patient’s health condition from worsening and the need for further medical intervention.

Implementation for Covid-19:

The governments of the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, and Paraná have begun working with telemedicine. The service can be accessed in any city, through the site. As we have talked about before, the main objective is to contribute to the protection of health professionals and patients in the Social distance. “It is another innovative tool, which will help to unburden the health system and allows the State Government to make medicine closer to the citizen,” said the governor. “Many times the person has some symptom and cannot travel to a doctor. With this tool, they can be seen by nursing and medical students who already know the behavior of the coronavirus. If needed, they can refer the patient to a volunteer doctor,” he explained.

Therefore, teleradiology working against the clock in the pandemic, contributes with excellence to meet the flow of demands from the radiology areas of hospitals and clinics, thus acquiring a growth in demand for these services.