Who We Are

We are a group of professionals outraged with the “status quo” current teleradiology and the desire to bring innovation in all aspects of SiriusRAD.
We are a group of professionals outraged with the “status quo” current teleradiology and the desire to bring innovation in all aspects of SiriusRAD.
The SiriusRAD mission is to provide technology for teleradiology, which enables it to store and share medical images, as well as tools for writing medical reports with predictable costs through a scalable and intuitive platform. Do this with a cloud architecture, without hardware investment by the client.
All our efforts are aimed at productivity and efficiency for all our partners!
Relationship, Management and Innovation for enhancements products & services
Relate in a transparent and cordial way between partners, customers and employees. All are key in the gear that make SiriusRAD a reliable partner and contribute to a work environment focused on the demands of the teleradiology segment.
Managing and monitoring management indicators makes SiriusRAD a company committed to long-term growth without compromising the stability of partnership signed.
Professionals outraged by the status “ quo” of the current teleradiology market and keen to provoke innovation in all aspects of SiriusRAD, it makes it a company whenever it is always at be the forefront of launching of innovations and solutions.
To be a solutions company in teleradiology that best serves your customers.